Sukhoi Su22

Currently, the Vietnam Air Force is in service with a large number of fighter-bomber versions of Su-22M, Su-22UM3K and Su-22M4. In early 1988, the Vietnam Air Force's Su-22UM fighter-bomber successfully made a flight from Phan Rang to Truong Sa. This is the first time, the first fighter aircraft of the Vietnam People's Air Force flew out to patrol the Spratly Islands.

From 1989 up to now, the Su-22M4 has taken on the main role in patrolling and protecting Truong Sa. Although, currently, the most modern multi-role fighter Su-30MK2 is gradually replacing the Su-22M4 to perform patrol flights and protect sovereignty in the Spratlys. However, in the near future, Su-22M4 still plays an important role in the sacred mission of the Fatherland